A removable partial denture is an economical way to replace one tooth or multiple missing teeth in the front, back or both with a prosthesis that uses the teeth and gingiva for support. The prosthesis is removed at night and for cleaning.
The missing teeth can be on the front, back, or both
This is typically an economical way to replace multiple missing teeth
There are several types of removable partial dentures ranging from:
Traditional prosthesis with metal clasps
Prosthesis that have precision or custom made attachments to enhance esthetics and remove clasps
Implant assisted partial dentures
At KC Complete Prosthodontics in Kansas City, we use premium teeth from Ivoclar Vivadent Blueline and Phonares lines of teeth, which allows us to offer 60 molds of front teeth in 20 shades to meet each individual patients esthetics needs.